Sunday, February 26, 2006


OK - so now it's official that we missed the cut off for this round of referrals, but the good news is....We're definitely next! So now at least we know and can move forward with plans to get busy with other things. My day of moping is over - onward and upward. I'm so excited for all my on-line and blogger friends that are receiving referrals over the next week and I can't wait to see photo's of their wee ones.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Missed the Cut Off...

Well, unofficially, we have missed the cut off this month for referrals. The word is out that the CCAA has issued referrals for LID's of May 14-25/05 so we missed it by 4 working days!! The CCAA hasn't officially updated their web site yet, so there's still a shred of hope for this month, but if we don't make this one, at least we know for sure that we are next!!

To look on the brighter side...
  • We can get more yard work and odd jobs done before we go to China.
  • Ron won't have to miss the annual Around Saltspring sailing race.
  • We can pack lighter for warmer weather in China.
  • The days are getting brighter and longer as we speak.
  • Gives me another month to organize and finish a bunch of work related stuff before I hand my job off to someone else.
That's all I can think of for now. Feel free to let me know if you have anything good to add to this list because right now it's not making me feel that much better.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Their story...

Click on this Bring Me Hope link to see a short video about the story of many of the children in China waiting for a 'forever family'. Watch the 7 minute version and bring kleenex.

P.S. I want them all.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Tick, Tick, Tick....

Well, it's been 284 days since our dossier went to China and 247 days since it was logged in - but who's counting? February is shaping up to be a very busy month at work, which should help pass the time quicker. Also, even though we've had rain for 39 of the last 40 days, signs of early spring are everywhere here. My daffodils are 6 inches out of the ground, the grass is growing lots, the snowdrop crocuses are all out and there are blossoms on some of the trees. I even noticed driving home the other day that the heather is blooming everywhere. Victoria has it's official flower count every year in February, and I think this is just to pi-- off the rest of the country. Spring is my favorite time of year, so at least the signs of spring offer some hope of good things just around the corner. I know our referral will be one of them, but I'd sure like it sooner rather than later. Posted by Picasa

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