Two Months Ago...
Two months and two days ago, we slept for 8 consecutive hours, we got up when we felt like it, we had a relatively tidy house, we never tripped on toys, we didn't smell like formula and baby powder, my shirts were mostly clean all day long, the dog didn't live in fear of her tail getting run over, the washing machine ran only once every other day, and to open a cupboard all we had to do was pull. That was just over two months ago, but I swear it was in a different lifetime because I can't believe this beautiful baby girl hasn't been with us forever. While a tidy house was nice and getting enough sleep was good, I wouldn't change a thing. I know every parent must feel it, but I'm amazed at the love I have for Olivia. I knew I would like her and all, but this is something else. I was actually a little shocked to realize that it's only been two months that she's been with us. She just feels like such a natural and easy part of our family. Her adjustment has been amazing and she is bonding so well and so appropriately to us. She's been camping and boating - loves them both, but really loves to wake up and hang out with us in the morning in our kingsized bed at home with Emma. She is happy almost always, loves to be held, but is happy to play on her own for short periods also. We have yet to find a food she doesn't like. She really doesn't like baby food, but loves whatever we're having so that's what she gets, asparagus and all. Life is so busy and the days are just flying by. I've come the the conclusion that nothing speeds up the passage of time faster than the arrival of a child...and still I wouldn't change a thing. Sleep and dishes can wait.