The past few weeks have kinda sucked - I've been home sick with a chest cold, then the flu and now have a mild case of shingles (which is really just a dormant chicken pock gone crazy). So I've spent lots of time on line, checking out lots of China Adoption journals, and getting all caught up on life in the adoption world. Now Ron has the cold and we're both lousy company - poor Emma has to listen to us both and just wants a pair of socks to carry around.
The good news today is that the CCAA has issued it's referrals for this month. The not so good news is that they issued referrals only for dossiers with log in dates of April 1-14/05. Our Log In Date is May 31/05. If they are only processing 14 days worth of Log In Dates each month right now, we may have to wait until March or possibly even April before we get referral, and travel 6-8 weeks later. I'm trying really hard not to be bummed out about the delays, and trying to enjoy this quiet time and get lots of other stuff done, but waiting really sucks!!
Since I don't have our referral baby picture to show you, I thought I'd show you one of Emma's baby pictures just because she's soooo darn cute! In fact, you could call this Emma's referral photo since it's the first picture I ever had of her.