A Baby Shower for Olivia
My friend Jennifer hosted a baby shower for us on Saturday and it was sooooo great to see some of my old co-workers, fastball team mates and friends. Some I hadn't seen in almost 5 years and it was just like seeing my own family again. Most of them have kids, some up to 15 years old and I couldn't help but reflect on when each of them was born, never ever thinking that someday I'd be the one sitting in the chair wearing the silly hat made of bows. It was hard not to be overwhelmed by it all and I finally really lost it when Jen's 9 year daughter Courteney gave us a painting she did for Olivia's room (see the photo below). Ron and I are both so thankful, not only for the beautiful gifts that everyone brought for Olivia, but that each of them cared enough to share in this incredible experience with us. We love you all so much and can't wait to introduce Miss Olivia to you all in person. Thank you for your friendship, your fellowship, your generosity of spirit and your kind hearts.
Angela, Helen, yours truly, Heather and Sheila
The artwork of the talented Miss Courteney
Andrea, Moi, Daphne, Carol, Val M., and Florence
The gang and Emma